{Wow…love a chance to use 3 initializations in a row… }
Over the past week I have been getting my holiday shopping done, almost entirely all online. I love to find unique stores, often small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) with interesting items, and I found one small store in Florida that makes some great, creative photo items at a reasonable price. Their online site was a little hard to navigate, though, so I spent a little time doing a bit of research about the store. They have been around since the 1980’s, and I could find no complaints about them. Their order form encrypted the input, but it was hard to figure out how to fill it in; I couldn’t get more than one photo uploaded to order more than one ornament, coffee mug, etc., at one time…
Posts Tagged ‘email security’
An SMB PCI DSS Learning Opportunity
Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008Email “Hack” Tells University Students & Staff That U.S. President Vote Is “Tomorrow”
Wednesday, November 5th, 2008Here’s another email incident example to add to your files…
Palin Email Hacker Indicted
Wednesday, October 8th, 2008Around September 10 a widely-reported story broke about how Sarah Palin’s Yahoo! email account was broken into.
Contents of some of her email messages were then widely posted to various Internet websites.
TV Anchor Confesses To Snooping His Co-Anchor’s 3 Email Accounts For 2 Years!
Friday, August 22nd, 2008A few months ago I blogged about a co-anchor at a television station who was accused of getting into his co-anchor’s email and passing information from the messages along to news outlets.
I was interested to see a CNN report today, “Fired anchor pleads guilty to e-mail snooping” that followed up on this story. Larry Mendte reportedly admitted to accessing Alycia Lane’s emails, in her 3 home and work accounts, over 500 times over a 2-year period!
Okay, why was he able to so easily get into her email accounts…3 OF THEM!…over a period of 2 years?! Wasn’t there any security applied to these email systems?
Some possibilities…
Do We REALLY Need Doctors To Do Consultations Via Email?
Friday, April 25th, 2008A few months ago I had some lively back-and-forth blog postings with a doctor who used email and instant messaging (IM) a lot in his practice; here, here and here.
Today my good friend Alec forwarded me another interesting news article (thanks Alec!) about the use of email by doctors; “It’s no LOL: Few US doctors answer e-mails from patients.”
Twelve Messaging Risks to Address Now
Monday, March 10th, 2008The first article within the March issue of my new e-journal, “IT Compliance in Realtime” is “Twelve Messaging Risks to Address Now.”
Here are a few excerpts…
And The Award For Best Email Security Awareness Film of 2007 Goes To…
Friday, December 7th, 2007I’ve been seeing a ton of articles and blog postings for the “Best Security <Whatever> of 2007,” “Worst Security Exploits of 2007,” “Security Projections for 2008” and so on in the past few weeks.
Well, I’ve got my own “Best of” award to give for 2007!
None of the best of or worst of postings or articles that I have seen have covered information security and privacy awareness, even though most information security incidents and privacy breaches occur as a result of humans…human error, lack of knowledge or malicious intent.
And The Award For Best Email Security Awareness Film of 2007 Goes To…
Friday, December 7th, 2007I’ve been seeing a ton of articles and blog postings for the “Best Security <Whatever> of 2007,” “Worst Security Exploits of 2007,” “Security Projections for 2008” and so on in the past few weeks.
Well, I’ve got my own “Best of” award to give for 2007!
None of the best of or worst of postings or articles that I have seen have covered information security and privacy awareness, even though most information security incidents and privacy breaches occur as a result of humans…human error, lack of knowledge or malicious intent.
7 More Reasons Why Sending Cleartext IM and Email Is *NOT* Secure Even If Your Doc Says It Is…Part 2
Wednesday, November 21st, 2007As a continuation of my blog posting from Monday, here are 7 additional reasons to add to the previous 4 for why sending cleartext instant messages (IMs) and email is not secure: