Posts Tagged ‘social network’

Don’t Treat Privacy Breach Victims like a Spurned Lover

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

A new data breach research report is out, and it is a good read.  This is the annual Experian/Ponemon Institute “Is Your Company Ready for a Big Data Breach?” report.  I want to focus on one of the findings in that report; that most organizations are not willing to assist those affected by a breach of their personal information. (more…)

Good Intentions Often Lead to Bad Privacy Results

Monday, April 29th, 2013

Allowing Wall Street privacy law exemption is crazy! Why, you ask? Why, I’m happy to explain. In March, 2012, I wrote “6 Good Reasons NOT To Ask for Facebook Passwords“.  Since that time legislation prohibiting employers from requiring access to their employees’ protected areas of their social media accounts has been introduced or is pending in at least 35 states. Three states–Arkansas, New Mexico and (more…)

Repost From Social Media to Lose Customers and Friends Fast

Monday, October 22nd, 2012

Last week one of my Facebook friends started a “friends only” discussion on his wall. It was a very interesting discussion, and one of his friends took the discussion, pretty much verbatim, and posted within a “public” (as in meant for the world to see) popular blog site. So the information on the Facebook page, where around 250 – 300 people could see the posts were now in a location where the bazillion (possibly a bit fewer) blog readers could see all the posts and the full names of those who made them. This is not the first time a situation like this has occurred.  A lot of the information posted on people’s social media pages are really tempting to take and use as examples, or for business activities such as for marketing and promotions. However, doing so could get you into some personal and/or legal hot water.  As organizations and individuals consider taking information they find on social media sites, they need to consider the reasons why doing so may not be a good idea after all.

Reason #1: It will (more…)

6 Good Reasons NOT To Ask For Facebook Passwords

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

In case you’ve not paid attention to the news in the past week, there has been a barrage of stories (over 1500 turned up in a quick online search) about organizations asking job applicants and employees for their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networking passwords.  It’s a hot topic folks! I’ve listed a bunch of them at the end of this post.  Compelled password disclosure is a very bad idea for organizations to do for many reasons.  Here are six that should be compelling to business management: (more…)

Is Information Found Online Legally Fair Game To Use For Marketing?

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

Social media sites are booming.  The amount of personal information folks are choosing to post to them, such as photos, videos, original stories, thoughts, gossip, and so on, is exploding.  Marketers are drooling at the prospect of using all that “free” information.  Well, it’s really not free, folks. (more…)

Who Would Want to Be a CISO or CPO for a Social Networking Site?

Friday, October 5th, 2007

This morning I spoke with a reporter from about social networking sites, innovation and partnering established businesses with new sites such as this and the risks involved. After the call I continued to think about this and jotted down a few notes…


Facebook, and Other Social Networking Sites, Will Always be Risky to Use

Friday, August 17th, 2007

Just because a social networking site says it is secure, and even if it has “TRUSTe,” “Hacker Safe” or other security and privacy assurance stamps on the site, it does not mean that bad things cannot happen. Take Facebook as a case in point.
