Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

Messaging Mishaps Have Collateral Damage

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

A few weeks ago I wrote about recent situation in which the Des Moines public school system superintendent’s career was brought to a standstill (it is yet to see whether it is temporary or permanent) by using the public school email system to exchange 115 personal messages, and including at least 40 cases sexually explicit messages, with her lover, married with children highly decorated Army Captain Hintz.  Since that time he has been fired from his position as head of Army Recruiting Command, a Des Moines-based recruiting company.  So not only was one person’s misuse of her employer’s email system the cause of her own career downward detour, it also has had ripple effects and derailed the career of the man who was corresponding with her, and likely also further ripples out to damage his family.

More privacy and security lessons

In addition to the lessons from my earlier post, this provides additional lessons: (more…)

Lack of Basic Security Practices Results in $1.7 Million Sanction

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

July 4 Update to Original Post: See additional recent statements from the OCR and the Alaska DHSS about this case here.

Here is a significant sanction, just applied, that all organizations, of all sizes, need to take notice of. Even if you are not in the healthcare industry, this case points out the elements of an information security and privacy program, and the supporting safeguards, which will be used as a model of standard practices to by all types of regulatory oversight agencies. (more…)

Messaging Misjudgment Kills Careers

Monday, June 18th, 2012

June 22 update to this topic: Today the judge refused to block the release of the emails as Sebring and her lover requested. See

In the past few weeks the use of emails at work has been in the news a lot in central Iowa, and the news quickly spread around the globe because of the sex and intrigue involved.  Basically, approximately four months before the end of school, the Des Moines Superintendent of Schools at the time, Dr. Sebring, started sending what would end up being over 40 very personal and sexually explicit messages to


Disposal Dummies Cause Privacy Problems

Thursday, May 31st, 2012

A couple of weeks ago I was doing a consulting call with a small startup business (that in a short span of time is already performing outsourced cloud processing for a number of really huge clients) about information security and privacy.  They had implemented just the basic firewall and passwords, but otherwise had no policies, procedures, or documented program in place.  I provided an overview of the need for information security and privacy controls to be in place throughout the entire information lifecycle; from creation and collection, to deletion and disposal.  They were on board with everything I was describing until we got to (more…)

Is Frictionless Sharing Like Digital Privacy Cancer?

Thursday, May 17th, 2012

I was recently speaking with a friend on the phone, and she said, “I just had the most embarrassing thing happen!  I had one of my Facebook friends send me a text teasing me about reading a rather sleazy article on TMZ. I did not know what she was talking about! So, I went to my Facebook page, and sure enough, down the timeline there was an article I had only briefly gone to the previous day after clicking a headline about moms on Google news and landed on a page; I quickly got off of when I saw it. I was so embarrassed to see that my brief visit to the page had been posted on my Facebook page! I don’t even go to TMZ on purpose, why is Facebook suddenly tattling on me when it accidentally went there?” (more…)

Big Brother Likes Big Data – Balancing Privacy with Innovation

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

My 12-year-old son said to me yesterday after getting home from school, “Hey, Mommy, did you know that Wal-Mart can tell when you’re pregnant? And so can Target!  Even before anyone else knows! They got a girl in trouble when they sent her dad coupons for baby stuff and congratulated her!”

Me, “That’s pretty incredible, isn’t it?  Companies are able to discover things like that about people more than ever before through analyzing what is called ‘Big Data’.”

Son, “That’s really creepy. I think you should (more…)

Back to the Future Security Basics: Security through Obscurity Still Does Not Work

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Last week I provided Howard Anderson at with some of my thoughts about the recent Utah Department of Health breach of the files of 900,000 individuals, and counting. He included some of my thoughts in his blog post, along with thoughts from others. I wanted to provide my full reply here, along with some expanded thoughts.

As background, for those of you who may not have heard of this hack yet, in a nutshell: (more…)

6 Good Reasons to De-Identify Data

Friday, March 30th, 2012

De-identification is a great privacy tool for all types of businesses, of all sizes.  If you have personal data that you want to use for research, marketing, testing applications, statistical trending or some other legitimate purpose, but you don’t need to know the specific individuals involved in order to meet your goals, then you should consider de-identifying the personal data.  Even though it sounds complicated there are many good methods you can use to accomplish de-identification.  And the great thing is, (more…)

6 Good Reasons NOT To Ask For Facebook Passwords

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

In case you’ve not paid attention to the news in the past week, there has been a barrage of stories (over 1500 turned up in a quick online search) about organizations asking job applicants and employees for their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networking passwords.  It’s a hot topic folks! I’ve listed a bunch of them at the end of this post.  Compelled password disclosure is a very bad idea for organizations to do for many reasons.  Here are six that should be compelling to business management: (more…)

Encryption: Myths and Must Knows

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

I am looking forward to the day when we can look at the news headlines and not see some report about a lost or stolen computing device or storage device that contained unencrypted personal information and/or other sensitive information.  And, I also want to stop seeing stories reappear about such an incident, such as the stolen NASA laptop with the clear text Space Station control codes that was stolen last year, but is making the headlines yet again today.  NASA is a large enough, and tech savvy enough, organization to know better!  However, there are many organizations that simply don’t understand what a valuable information security tool encryption is.   I work with many small to medium sized businesses (SMBs), all of which have legal obligations (such as through HIPAA and HITECH, along with contractual requirements) to protect sensitive information, such as personal information.  Over the past year I’ve heard way too many of them make remarks such as… (more…)