Posts Tagged ‘security awareness’

18 IT Compliance, Info Sec & Privacy Links to Fortune’s 101 Dumbest Business Moments in 2007

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Tis the season for lists upon lists upon lists. However, Fortune’s “101 Dumbest Moments in Business” for 2007 caught my eye for being rather unique-sounding. There were *MANY* dumb information security and privacy business moments in 2007; I wondered, did Fortune recognize any of them?
I took the time to flip through them quickly…ah, yes! Quite a fun exercise! And here at least 18 IT compliance, info sec and/or privacy links to the Fortune 101 list:


2 Years Following Major Privacy Breach, Bahamas Puts Up Data Protection Web Site

Sunday, December 16th, 2007

A couple of years ago I finally took my family on a vacation to the Bahamas after not going on any type of vacation for several years. Five months later I learned…from my friends and not from the hotel…that a major breach occurred at the hotel; the credit card files for tens of thousands of their customers had been compromised.
I never did get a notification of the breach from the hotel. However, I did confirm through the Bahamas government, and subsequent widely published reports, that the breach did indeed occur.


“Awards” Given For E-Commerce Site Privacy Policies…The Best And The Worst

Friday, December 14th, 2007

I ran across some interesting e-commerce site “awards” recently published by They identified the recipients of their “screen door” (the award retailers DON’T want) and “steel door” (retailers want this) awards based upon the privacy protections the sites had in place for customer personally identifiable information (PII).


New Report Provides Great Information Security Information To Give To CEOs

Thursday, December 13th, 2007

Yesterday the British North American Committee (BNAC) and the Atlantic Council of the United States (a U.S. sponsor of the Committee) announced the release of a new study, “Cyber Attack: A Risk Management Primer for CEOs and Directors.”
It is important for business leaders to understand information security and privacy risks better. It is important for information security and privacy professionals to put forth effort to raise CEO understanding of information security and privacy issues. Understanding and acting upon the risks are important for the health of the business, and CEOs must understand HOW information security and privacy relate to business.


The World is Miffed About Spam & Phishing

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

Several weeks ago I got spam from an information security company about a seminar they are putting on. I did not respond; I wasn’t interested. Since that time I have received many messages, all with the same content, from various people from that organization, the tone of which really ticked me off. The following is an excerpt.


Data Will Always Be Less Safe In The Future…I Don’t Want To Get Gussied Up To Talk On The Phone

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

I have a blog problem…there are way too many things I want to blog about and not enough hours in the day to do it! Throughout each day I note news items from the TV, or website news articles, or research, or reports, or just observations while at businesses or in public, and I only have a chance to blog about a small fraction of them. Today I think I’ll just briefly mention five of the topics I’ve planned to blog about, along with a brief note about each, and then maybe I’ll be able to revisit them sometime in the near future and discuss them at greater length.


Finding a Five Leaf Clover!

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

Something very cool…my son Noah found a five-leaf clover today while waiting to be picked up at school. We are going to laminate it, then I’ll take a photo and post it on my site.


Who Would Want to Be a CISO or CPO for a Social Networking Site?

Friday, October 5th, 2007

This morning I spoke with a reporter from about social networking sites, innovation and partnering established businesses with new sites such as this and the risks involved. After the call I continued to think about this and jotted down a few notes…


Deloitte Survey Shows the Need for Effective Training

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu just released their “2007 Global Security Survey” report.
