Deloitte Survey Shows the Need for Effective Training

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu just released their “2007 Global Security Survey” report.

Much of the report emphasizes that the greatest cause of external breaches continues to be the “human factor”: “an organization’s employees, customers, third parties and business partners.”
The need for effective awareness and training of personnel is greater than ever. Customers must also receive training, as financial industry oversight agencies have recently decreed.
Information security and privacy education efforts need to partnered to ensure the most effective personnel education. If the privacy areas and information security areas do not work together, not only will the resources and costs involved be greater to the organization, but the messages may be conflicting, or there could be significant gaps in the information provided.
On Thursday, September 27th I will give a webinar discussing this topic and the related issues in detail, “Security and Privacy: Cooperative Awareness for Better Compliance and Personnel Understanding
I will discuss why information security and privacy education efforts need to partner and the cooperative steps you can take to ensure optimum results for both missions. I will also include a sample-training module incorporating privacy with security as part of the webinar.
Attendees will Learn:
* Regulatory requirements for information security and privacy awareness and training
* Why privacy and information security education is necessary for business success
* Topics applicable to both information security and privacy
* Target groups to receive training and awareness
* Strategies for training and awareness
* Sample content for an online module
These issues apply to all organization within all industries world-wide.
Whether you’ve been asked to add on an information security or privacy module, or are competing for funds with new initiatives, I created this session to help you.

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