Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

Insider Threat Example: Payroll Employee Threatens To Illegally Use Other Employees’ PII If Not Given a Good Review

Sunday, July 22nd, 2007

Here’s another example of the insider threat similar to situations that I’ve heard of happening many times throughout the years through conversations with folks at conferences and other professional meetings.


Privacy in the 21st Century: Show Your Creativity for Global Security Week!

Thursday, July 19th, 2007

Global Security Week (GSW) is September 3rd through 9th.
The topic this year is “Privacy in the 21st Century.”


An Exemplary Privacy Practice at a University

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

There are many…*MANY*…reports of privacy breaches and security incidents virtually every day. However, I think it is important to point out when organizations do something right with regard to privacy practices, particularly when they are uncommon compared to what other businesses do; perhaps other organizations will see their positive example and follow their lead.


HIPAA Violation in Divorce Proceeding?

Friday, July 13th, 2007

During a divorce case in Illinios, K.S. Kim claimed a hospital violated HIPAA by sending her health records to her ex-husband’s attorney.


Privacy: Are You Sure You *REALLY* Have Nothing To Hide?

Thursday, July 12th, 2007

During the past few years it has become more common to have phone records, purchase records, and other logged activities datamined and reviewed by various organizations, government agencies and law enforcement groups. One highly publicized example was when AT&T provided access to their customers’ phone records and Internet communications to the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA).


Carnegie Mellon’s Data Privacy Head Urges Development of New Privacy Technologies

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

I enjoy reading Scientific American Magazine. And I especially am interested in reading their articles that touch upon, or directly address, information security, privacy or compliance. It is always nice to see the views of practitioners, educators, researchers and others who are not on the typical information security circuit of publications.


Privacy Not Only Requires Securing PII, It Also Requires Keeping the Trust of Your Customers

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

Recently I was speaking with a client about a new Internet e-commerce application they were testing, and I asked them to give a demonstration. One of the questions I asked while watching was whether there were any ways in which someone could get information about customers’ orders. After doing some various tests, a screen popped up showing a database of names, item descriptions, and other information related to the orders. The billing information, such as credit card number, was *NOT* within this database, but the names and mailing addresses were; these were used for the indexing links to the database.


Improve Security to Make the Planet Greener

Monday, July 9th, 2007

This weekend there was a lot of attention on the environmental crisis facing the planet. There was the Live Earth concert on 07/07/07. Tonight the news was filled with more talk of new laws and initiatives, such as banning bottled water in restaurants in some of the states.


07/07/07! Lucky for Cybercriminals?

Saturday, July 7th, 2007

I’ve always been fascinated with numbers. Math has always been fun, and one of my degrees is in math. I’ve never really studied numerology, but today’s date, 07/07/07, only happens once each century, and it is interesting to see how many people are celebrating it in various ways.


Trademarks, Virtual Reality Sites, and Creating a Very Aware Next Generation of Information Assurance Leaders

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

I’ve been working in my home office for around 7 1/2 years, being able to do most of my project work from home, which I’m thankful for. During that time my now 10-year-old and 7-year-old (he’ll remind you he turns 8 next month) sons have been around me quite a bit as I do my work. So I discuss a lot of what I do with them, they ask a lot of questions, and they soak a whole lot more into their brains than I realize. Especially over summer when they are at home with me virtually all day every day.
