Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

The First Ever HIPAA Audit: Where’s The Report? Does It Have Beef?

Wednesday, September 12th, 2007

Gosh, I just had a flashback to the “Where’s the Beef” commercial from years ago… 🙂
The U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule went into effect in April, 2001, and gave covered entities (CEs) two years to get into compliance. The HIPAA Security Rule went into effect in April 2003 and CEs had until April 2005 to get into compliance.


HIPAA & 4 Lessons From an Insider Threat Example: Former Healthcare IT Manager Hacks Into System and Deletes PHI

Monday, September 10th, 2007

There are so many ways in which bad things can happen with the authorized access personnel and business partners have to sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII), and business systems. Many times the bad things that happen are a result of a lack of awareness of how to properly protect information, a result of mistakes, or a result of malicious intent. Here is just one more example to add to your file of actual insider threat incidents.


HIPAA & 4 Lessons From an Insider Threat Example: Former Healthcare IT Manager Hacks Into System and Deletes PHI

Monday, September 10th, 2007

There are so many ways in which bad things can happen with the authorized access personnel and business partners have to sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII), and business systems. Many times the bad things that happen are a result of a lack of awareness of how to properly protect information, a result of mistakes, or a result of malicious intent. Here is just one more example to add to your file of actual insider threat incidents.


Craig’s Voicemail Error Not Uncommon; Be Sure Your Employees Don’t Do the Same!

Saturday, September 8th, 2007

This week Larry Craig, the U.S. Senator embroiled in a sex scandal, left a long, detailed voice mail message for his lawyer. Problem was, he misdialed and left the message on another person’s voice mail!


Craig’s Voicemail Error Not Uncommon; Be Sure Your Employees Don’t Do the Same!

Saturday, September 8th, 2007

This week Larry Craig, the U.S. Senator embroiled in a sex scandal, left a long, detailed voice mail message for his lawyer. Problem was, he misdialed and left the message on another person’s voice mail!


Judge Rules USA PATRIOT Act Breaks Separation of Powers Requirements

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

There was some very interesting news in the Kansas City Star today; “Judge strikes down part of Patriot Act


Judge Rules USA PATRIOT Act Breaks Separation of Powers Requirements

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

There was some very interesting news in the Kansas City Star today; “Judge strikes down part of Patriot Act


Your Name May Be Falling Off the Do Not Call List Soon!

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

I recently did a privacy impact assessment (PIA) for a marketing company and remembered that the U.S. Do Not Call list entries expire after 5 years! Most people do not realize this…did you know this?


Breach Notice Laws; Definitely A 21st Century Privacy Issue!

Wednesday, September 5th, 2007

Hey, this week is Global Security Week!
The theme this year is “Privacy in the 21st Century.” Have you sent any communications about this topic out to your personnel?


Thinking About Web Bugs…

Monday, September 3rd, 2007

Last week I participated in an interesting discussion on the Security Catalyst site about using web bugs within an organization. I pointed Cutaway to a paper I wrote a couple of years ago, “Quit Bugging Me!”
