Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

Click Wrap Contracts: Creating Them And Agreeing To Them

Monday, May 5th, 2008

There was an interesting article in this week’s issue of Privacy and Security Law, “Clickwrap Notifying Software Recipients Of Pop-Up Installation Is Valid, Enforceable” (a subscription site).


What Business Leaders Need To Know About Employee Privacy

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

Here it is May, and I’m just now getting all of my April IT Compliance in Realtime Journal articles blogged about! Being in Las Vegas for a week at CSI SX / Interop really put a monkey wrench in my blogging activity last week.
While at the conference I spoke with many information security and IT leaders about privacy. Most have customer privacy on their minds, but a significant portion have not thought about employee privacy issues.
So, this article, “What Business Leaders Need To Know About Employee Privacy,” which is the third in my April IT Compliance in Realtime Journal issue, is pretty timely.
Download the April issue to get a much prettier, formatted version. Here is the unformatted article…


Using DNA Of Family Members To Catch Criminals

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

I just read an interesting article, “Using kin’s DNA to track suspects.”


Corporate Communications Officers Tying The Hands Of Information Security and Privacy Pros

Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

I’ve been here at the CSI SX conference for the past few days, and I’ve had the great opportunity and pleasure of speaking with a large number of folks while here. I was finally able to meet Ron Woerner in person (nice to meet you Ron!) after communicating with him in the Security Catalyst Community over the past 1+ year.
I love coming to these conferences and just talking with the participants. There is always at least one topic for which I receive enlightenment that I had not considered before. During the past few days I’ve spoken with 4 to 5 people who are responsible for information security, all from highly regulated industries, who all say despite their adequate to even generous information security and privacy budgets, some of their most important information security and privacy efforts are being quashed by their corporate communications offices; those responsible for the messages that are sent to personnel throughout the enterprise.


P2P Security Study Released

Monday, April 28th, 2008

The results of an interesting study, “The Ignored Crisis in Data Security: P2P File Sharing,” performed by the Ponoman Institute and sponsored by Tiversa, were recently released on April 21.
Here are a few interesting tidbits from the report…


Do We REALLY Need Doctors To Do Consultations Via Email?

Friday, April 25th, 2008

A few months ago I had some lively back-and-forth blog postings with a doctor who used email and instant messaging (IM) a lot in his practice; here, here and here.
Today my good friend Alec forwarded me another interesting news article (thanks Alec!) about the use of email by doctors; “It’s no LOL: Few US doctors answer e-mails from patients.”


Smart Business Leaders Support Effective Log Management Practices and Necessary Resources

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

The second article in this month’s IT Compliance in Realtime Journal is, “Smart Business Leaders Support Log Management.”
I wrote this with an audience of information security and privacy personnel, along with IT managers, in mind.
Download the formatted PDF version to get the full content, not to mention a nicer looking document.
Here is the unformatted version…


My Information Security and Privacy Convergence Webcast Now Available

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

Yesterday the ISSA posted on their website a free webcast I did, “Information Security and Privacy Convergence
Here is the synopsis…


Improve Program Change Controls To Reduce Incidents

Monday, April 21st, 2008

Recently in my Norwich MSIA class we were discussing the importance of program change controls, and I wanted to continue the discussion here because as important as it is, it typically does not get the attention it deserves in most organizations.


Improve Program Change Controls To Reduce Incidents

Monday, April 21st, 2008

Recently in my Norwich MSIA class we were discussing the importance of program change controls, and I wanted to continue the discussion here because as important as it is, it typically does not get the attention it deserves in most organizations.
