Posts Tagged ‘risk management’

A Privacy Song About…Überveillance!

Sunday, August 24th, 2008

I was delighted to get a message this morning from my friends down-under, Dr. M. G. Michael and Dr. Katina Michael from the University of Wollongong.
If you’ll recall, a few months ago I made a couple of blog postings about überveillance here and here.


Iowa’s Fields of Digital Dreams

Saturday, August 23rd, 2008

I knew that Microsoft was planning to build a large data storage facility in Iowa, but I was a little surprised to see that they will virtually be neighbors with me!


TV Anchor Confesses To Snooping His Co-Anchor’s 3 Email Accounts For 2 Years!

Friday, August 22nd, 2008

A few months ago I blogged about a co-anchor at a television station who was accused of getting into his co-anchor’s email and passing information from the messages along to news outlets.
I was interested to see a CNN report today, “Fired anchor pleads guilty to e-mail snooping” that followed up on this story. Larry Mendte reportedly admitted to accessing Alycia Lane’s emails, in her 3 home and work accounts, over 500 times over a 2-year period!
Okay, why was he able to so easily get into her email accounts…3 OF THEM!…over a period of 2 years?! Wasn’t there any security applied to these email systems?
Some possibilities…


Company Uses Negotiated Checks For Packing Material!

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

Not much surprises me any more with regard to some of the silly things that organizations do with printed PII that put the involved individuals at risk.
However, I was surprised when I watched an ABC News report this morning…


Despite 45+ U.S. Federal and State Laws, SSNs Still Widely Misused & Breached…Why?

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

It amazes me how many news articles are frequently reported that are related to the misuse or breach of social security numbers (SSN). Today just a few the stories that popped up included:


Many, Many Methods Of Cyberattacks

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

Yesterday CNN ran an interesting story, “U.S. at risk of cyberattacks, experts say.”
For those of you in the information security biz this is not new news, I know. We’ve known and discussed the massive and insidious types of damage that could be done through cyber attacks for several years. However, there is still not enough being done.


Insider Threat Examples: HIPAA Violations Go UnPenalized In Iowa

Sunday, August 17th, 2008

When I got my Sunday Des Moines Register out of the orange box across the road this morning, the front page headline leaped out at me, “Medical privacy law fails to stop snooping.”
In one of the incidents described, a woman was incredibly embarrassed and humiliated after all the intimate details about an operation she had on her uterus, including her full name, that were in her doctor’s files were apparently published in marketing material…


Is Your Accountant Sending Your Information Offshore?

Friday, August 15th, 2008

Is your accountant or tax preparer sending your personally identifiable information (PII) offshore? Possibly.
Here is the second part of the first article, “(Mis)Using Social Security Numbers in Business,” within my August issue of IT Compliance in Realtime Journal, which discusses the use of SSNs (get the nicest version of the full journal here)…


An Example of Google’s Street View Crossing The Privacy Line…?

Thursday, August 14th, 2008

Recently I wrote about the privacy implications of Google Street View after communicating with John Grogan (from Popular Science and Computer World) about this topic; see here and here.
Today I saw an ABC news video…


How Do You Use Social Security Numbers?

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

Recently I got a call from a representative of one of the free IT magazines I subscribe to. The rep wanted to renew my subscription, and needed to ask me a few “qualifying” questions first. Fine.
When she asked, “What is your Social Security number?” I responded, “You don’t need to know.”
She replied, “Yes, I do. We must verify that you are, indeed, who you say you are, so we need your Social Security number to do that. It is our standard procedure.”
“Well,” I told her, “Don’t you think it is poor business practice to make an unnannounced call to your subscribers and ask them for a Social Security number? After all, you made the contact with me, not the other way around. I answered my phone, didn’t I? And besides, how do I know *YOU* are who you say you are? Can you please give me your Social Security number so I can verify that you are, indeed, who you say you are?”
