Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

Insider Threat Lessons: Posting Threats And Personnel PII On The Internet Establishes Federal Jurisdiction

Monday, November 5th, 2007

Here’s another insider threat example to know and to discuss with your legal counsel and HR folks. It highlights the need for information security and privacy policies, shows how information security and privacy must work with multiple areas on an ongoing basis, and demonstrates the sanctions that can be brought against those who break them.


Insider Threat Lessons: Posting Threats And Personnel PII On The Internet Establishes Federal Jurisdiction

Monday, November 5th, 2007

Here’s another insider threat example to know and to discuss with your legal counsel and HR folks. It highlights the need for information security and privacy policies, shows how information security and privacy must work with multiple areas on an ongoing basis, and demonstrates the sanctions that can be brought against those who break them.


Do Something To Change Information Security, Privacy and Compliance…Contact Congress!

Sunday, November 4th, 2007

I, along with a very large number of other bloggers, writers and instructors, often pick apart data protection and privacy laws and regulations, and point out how certain portions of them are infeasible for most organizations to implement, and talk about the types of laws that should be inacted to protect personally identifiable information (PII) and privacy. But how many of us actually do something about it and contact our lawmakers to communicate this information?


Do Something To Change Information Security, Privacy and Compliance…Contact Congress!

Sunday, November 4th, 2007

I, along with a very large number of other bloggers, writers and instructors, often pick apart data protection and privacy laws and regulations, and point out how certain portions of them are infeasible for most organizations to implement, and talk about the types of laws that should be inacted to protect personally identifiable information (PII) and privacy. But how many of us actually do something about it and contact our lawmakers to communicate this information?


Definitions For the Identity Theft Prevention Program Rule Under FACTA & Questions For Your Organization

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

In addition to some great followup questions I got from Andy in response to my blog posting yesterday, “FTC Now Requires Organizations to Have an Identity Theft Prevention Program” I have also received some interesting questions from others about the new Identity Theft Prevention Program Rule, along with having the opportunity to have some interesting discussions with several folks today, such as Linda McGlasson at


Definitions For the Identity Theft Prevention Program Rule Under FACTA & Questions For Your Organization

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

In addition to some great followup questions I got from Andy in response to my blog posting yesterday, “FTC Now Requires Organizations to Have an Identity Theft Prevention Program” I have also received some interesting questions from others about the new Identity Theft Prevention Program Rule, along with having the opportunity to have some interesting discussions with several folks today, such as Linda McGlasson at


FTC Now Requires Organizations to Have an Identity Theft Prevention Program

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

Did you know that if you are a U.S. financial organization, *AND/OR* if you have information about your U.S. customers with which identity theft could occur, you are now legally required to have a documented Identity Theft Prevention Program to help prevent identity theft in connection with new and existing accounts?


Will A “Do Not Track” List Materialize?

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

Today it was widely reported that several privacy groups were banding together to demand the creation of a “Do Not Track” list, similar to the FTC’s “Do Not Call” list.


Email Security and Privacy: NY Hospital Retention Ruling Points Out Importance of Policies and Awareness

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

On October 17, 2007, there was a very interesting ruling regarding a doctor’s email communications sent to an attorney and the associated attorney privilege. In the matter of Scott v Beth Israel Med. Ctr. Inc. the New York Supreme Court found that the doctor’s email messages to his attorneys using the hospital network were not privileged and could be retained by the hospital even though the doctor wanted the hospital to stop retaining his messages and delete all emails related to his communications with his lawyers.


40 State Level Breach Notice Laws…And Counting

Monday, October 29th, 2007

Did you know that there are now 40 state level breach notice laws in the U.S., including the District of Columbia?
Many different websites provide information about the state breach notice laws, but most of them do not list all the current breach notice laws, or they provide information in a way that is not easy to quickly find specifically what I’m looking for.
