Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

Don’t Throw Away The Privacy Of All And Jeopardize Network Security To Run A Compliance Tool

Sunday, November 25th, 2007

Many times software designed to enforce legal compliance, or find network users who are breaking laws, bring along with them greater risks to information security and privacy.


Show “Home Alone” To Raise Social Engineering Awareness

Saturday, November 24th, 2007

I hope those of you who celebrated Thanksgiving had a great one! I spent a very nice day with my family at my brother’s house. After getting back home we decided to watch some Christmas movies, so we spent the evening watching one of my very favorites, “A Christmas Story” and then “Home Alone.”


Show Your CFO and CEO the Potential Financial Impact of a Privacy Breach

Friday, November 23rd, 2007

My central Iowa Infragard president, Tom Conley sent all our members a note on Wednesday with a link to a site that contains 9 variables to help demonstrate the range of financial impact to organizations that experience an incident involving personally identifiable information (PII).


7 More Reasons Why Sending Cleartext IM and Email Is *NOT* Secure Even If Your Doc Says It Is…Part 2

Wednesday, November 21st, 2007

As a continuation of my blog posting from Monday, here are 7 additional reasons to add to the previous 4 for why sending cleartext instant messages (IMs) and email is not secure:


Sending Cleartext IM and Email Is *NOT* Secure Even If Your Doc Says It Is…Part 1

Monday, November 19th, 2007

I got some interesting comments and questions, and lots of good direct feedback, about my blog post on sending cleartext patient information last week, “HIPAA: Beware Doctors Who Claim They Don’t Have To Follow Safeguard and Privacy Requirements” so I wanted to take this opportunity to discuss the topic a little more.


Sending Cleartext IM and Email Is *NOT* Secure Even If Your Doc Says It Is…Part 1

Monday, November 19th, 2007

I got some interesting comments and questions, and lots of good direct feedback, about my blog post on sending cleartext patient information last week, “HIPAA: Beware Doctors Who Claim They Don’t Have To Follow Safeguard and Privacy Requirements” so I wanted to take this opportunity to discuss the topic a little more.


Personnel Privacy, New I-9 Forms, Removal of SSN Requirements and IT Involvement

Sunday, November 18th, 2007

Early this year I did a data flow analysis for I-9 compliance, and I blogged a few months ago about I-9 related issues in “New Tennessee Law Prohibits Using Federal Individual Taxpayer ID as Proof of Immigration Status.”
I-9 compliance issues impact many areas of an organization. However, within most organizations many areas, such as IT and information security, are not aware of the I-9 compliance issues and unknowingly put the company at noncompliance jeopardy. Compliance with any law or regulation that involves personally identifiable information (PII) usually require the involvement of legal, IT and information security areas.


Personnel Privacy, New I-9 Forms, Removal of SSN Requirements and IT Involvement

Sunday, November 18th, 2007

Early this year I did a data flow analysis for I-9 compliance, and I blogged a few months ago about I-9 related issues in “New Tennessee Law Prohibits Using Federal Individual Taxpayer ID as Proof of Immigration Status.”
I-9 compliance issues impact many areas of an organization. However, within most organizations many areas, such as IT and information security, are not aware of the I-9 compliance issues and unknowingly put the company at noncompliance jeopardy. Compliance with any law or regulation that involves personally identifiable information (PII) usually require the involvement of legal, IT and information security areas.


A Lesson In IT Backup Media Management From Francis Ford Coppola

Friday, November 16th, 2007

As I was reading this week’s issue of Time magazine I found a backup lesson given by Francis Ford Coppola!


HIPAA: Beware Doctors Who Claim They Don’t Have To Follow Safeguard and Privacy Requirements

Thursday, November 15th, 2007

My good friend Alec recently made me aware of a very interesting blog post made by a physician (thanks Alec!) that is frankly quite troubling.
