Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

A Privacy Song About…Überveillance!

Sunday, August 24th, 2008

I was delighted to get a message this morning from my friends down-under, Dr. M. G. Michael and Dr. Katina Michael from the University of Wollongong.
If you’ll recall, a few months ago I made a couple of blog postings about überveillance here and here.


Think and Look Before You Send that Quick Message!

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Every month, and sometimes weekly, I see a privacy breach that is a result of a messaging mistake. People need to be more careful about all the types of electronic messages they are sending and not so quick to hit that send button!
Here is the fourth, and final, part of the first article within the June issue of my “IT Compliance in Realtime” journal, “What to Tell Personnel: Messaging Security and Privacy“…


Think and Look Before You Send that Quick Message!

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Every month, and sometimes weekly, I see a privacy breach that is a result of a messaging mistake. People need to be more careful about all the types of electronic messages they are sending and not so quick to hit that send button!
Here is the fourth, and final, part of the first article within the June issue of my “IT Compliance in Realtime” journal, “What to Tell Personnel: Messaging Security and Privacy“…


Let Your Personnel Know Their Messaging Boundaries

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

Here is the third part of the first article within the June issue of my “IT Compliance in Realtime” journal, “What to Tell Personnel: Messaging Security and Privacy“…


Sending Clear Text Customer Information Is Not Okay Just Because the Customer Says It’s “Okay”

Monday, June 9th, 2008

As a follow-up to my blog post from last Friday, here is the second part of the first article within the June issue of my “IT Compliance in Realtime” journal, “What to Tell Personnel: Messaging Security and Privacy“…


Sending Clear Text Customer Information Is Not Okay Just Because the Customer Says It’s “Okay”

Monday, June 9th, 2008

As a follow-up to my blog post from last Friday, here is the second part of the first article within the June issue of my “IT Compliance in Realtime” journal, “What to Tell Personnel: Messaging Security and Privacy“…


Something To Tell Your Personnel: Messaging Includes More Than Email

Friday, June 6th, 2008

My June issue of “IT Compliance in Realtime” journal is hot off the press!
I’ve heard from some of you that when I post the articles from my journal that the posts are too long. So, what I will do from now on is to break up the articles into smaller postings to make them easier, and faster, to read.
Here is the first part of the first article within the June journal, “What to Tell Personnel: Messaging Security and Privacy”…


HIPAA Humor: Dumb Robber

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

Here’s a story that gave me a bit of a chuckle, “Note leads police to robbery arrest“…


Locational Privacy…And Nonconsenting Research Subjects

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Here’s an interesting, relatively new, privacy (with regard to publicity any way) issue that was reported today: locational privacy…


Insider Threat Example: Coworkers Accessing Other Coworkers’ Email Messages

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

Back in the mid-1990’s, a middle manager knew that the print queue messages for all the emails in the large organization were viewable in clear text; all you had to know was which printer queue to open. He would lurk in the print queues each day, all day, for all the printers all the other middle managers, and executives, used, and he would copy all the email messages he found that could be “advantageous” to his career. He amazed a lot of people by always seeming to know what was going on before anyone else did.
I was reminded of this particular mole-manager as I just read a news story, “Philly News Anchor Target in FBI Probe: FBI Investigates Anchor in Suspected Hacking of Fired Co-Anchor’s E-mail
