Archive for the ‘Privacy and Compliance’ Category

FBI Plans to Catalog Everyone’s Physical Characteristics, and Bush Does Away With Privacy Oversight Board

Monday, February 4th, 2008

Here’s something scary…
I just saw a new CNN report that made me go, “Huh?!”
FBI wants palm prints, eye scans, tattoo mapping


What Companies Do You Trust With Your Privacy?

Monday, February 4th, 2008

For the past few years the Ponemon Institute has done surveys to determine the U.S. companies most trusted to protect privacy.


Cell Phone Text Messages Are Private…NOT!

Monday, January 28th, 2008

Uh oh…talk about a couple of folks who were caught with their hand in the cookie jar (so to speak)…and caught lying under oath.
CNN recently ran a story about how Christine Beatty resigned from her position as chief of staff for Detroit, Michigan, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick after a large amount of explicit Blackberry text messages, “tens of thousands” were discovered from 2003 and 2004.


Cell Phone Text Messages Are Private…NOT!

Monday, January 28th, 2008

Uh oh…talk about a couple of folks who were caught with their hand in the cookie jar (so to speak)…and caught lying under oath.
CNN recently ran a story about how Christine Beatty resigned from her position as chief of staff for Detroit, Michigan, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick after a large amount of explicit Blackberry text messages, “tens of thousands” were discovered from 2003 and 2004.


Some more information and ideas for Data Privacy Day, January 28

Sunday, January 27th, 2008

Last Thursday I posted about how tomorrow (1/28) is International Data Privacy Day.
I was delighfully surprised to receive an email in response to my blog post from Leonardo Cervera, the coordinator of Data Privacy Day 2008! Be sure to check out his site to find comprehensive information about all the activities being done for Data Privacy Day, as well as seeing the world-wide support Data Privacy Day is being given…it is good to see government agencies and large corporations acknowledging the importance of preserving privacy.


Some more information and ideas for Data Privacy Day, January 28

Sunday, January 27th, 2008

Last Thursday I posted about how tomorrow (1/28) is International Data Privacy Day.
I was delighfully surprised to receive an email in response to my blog post from Leonardo Cervera, the coordinator of Data Privacy Day 2008! Be sure to check out his site to find comprehensive information about all the activities being done for Data Privacy Day, as well as seeing the world-wide support Data Privacy Day is being given…it is good to see government agencies and large corporations acknowledging the importance of preserving privacy.


January 28 is International Data Privacy Day

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

Did you know that International Data Privacy Day is fast approaching? On Monday, January 28 the United States joins 27 European countries to celebrate Data Privacy Day 2008. “The day will feature several efforts to promote the importance of data protection, including a meeting at Duke University among European and U.S. privacy experts.


Social Engineering Schemes Increase: Great Case Study From An Actual Event

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

Last month I finished the second issue of my Protecting Information publication and the topic couldn’t be more timely: social engineering.
Just today I have already read in my daily news items 5 articles about social engineering! One in particular, “CUNA Mutual Warns on Costly HELOC Scam,” provides not only a great example of a current social engineering scam, but it would also make a great case study for social engineering training and within your awareness communications and activities. Here’s a quick overview…


CMS Announces Plans To Actively Audit Hospitals For HIPAA Compliance

Monday, January 21st, 2008

The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced last week that they plan to audit 10 – 20 hospitals for HIPAA compliance in the next 9 months according to a Government Health IT article.


Clearly Justify Your Information Security and Privacy Policies

Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

I’m helping one of my clients with updating their information security and privacy policies, aligning them with ISO 27002, and creating new policies to fill gaps as necessary based upon the organization’s risks. I was speaking with the CISO this week and he made a statement that I’ve heard many times over the years that really is a blockade to advancing information security within most organizations.
“I wish when the CEO rejects a policy he would tell me why. I know he’s short on time, but it would help me do my job so much better if he’d just explain why.”
