January 28 is International Data Privacy Day

Did you know that International Data Privacy Day is fast approaching? On Monday, January 28 the United States joins 27 European countries to celebrate Data Privacy Day 2008. “The day will feature several efforts to promote the importance of data protection, including a meeting at Duke University among European and U.S. privacy experts.

Besides the ideas that the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) press release provides, here are a few more ideas:
* Show a recent theater movie that addresses the issue of privacy, such as “The Net,” “Swordfish,” or any of a large number of others (I’ll provide a list of movies that contain information security and/or privacy issues/lessons in a future blog posting), then afterward discuss the privacy and information security issues from within the movie and how they relate to your employees’ lives and/or work.
* Make a podcast available to your personnel that discusses privacy in general, or a specific privacy issue. Some of mine that you may want to consider are located here.
* Have a contest for your employees that incorporates privacy. For example give an award/prize to the person who can…
1) Identify the most significant employee privacy concern within your organization
2) Identify a way in which current procedures put customer and/or employee personally identifiable information (PII) at risk
3) Write and submit the most humorous or creative privacy poem/haiku/etc.
4) Create the best workplace privacy poster
* Hold a “Privacy Jeopardy” event on 1/28 during lunchtime, perhaps right outside your cafeteria, and give small prizes or recogniztions to the people who correctly answer a privacy related question.
* Distribute some privacy related articles, or make them available on your information security and privacy intranet sites. Either write some of your own, specific to your organization, or provide links to others. Here, here and here are a few of mine you may want to consider.
Be creative! Put the importance of privacy into the minds of your employees, contracted staff, and business partners.

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