Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

Study Reports The Companies Trusted Most For Privacy

Thursday, March 29th, 2007

The Ponemon Institute puts out an annual survey asking anyone who wants to participate in their online survey who the companies are that they believe respect their customers most and do the best job of protecting their privacy.


U.S. ONDI and DOD Standardizing Security Policies

Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

The Office of the National Director of National Intelligence (ONDI) and the Department of Defense (DoD) announced they are going to standardize their information security policies.
The work on the standardization started 8 months ago.


Government Compliance: FBI Director Says USA PATRIOT Act Doesn’t Need Changes; That FBI Is To Blame for Associated Problems

Tuesday, March 27th, 2007

Today U.S. FBI Director Robert Mueller appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee and testified that there are no problems with the USA PATRIOT Act, but that the FBI did not implement the Act appropriately.


U.S. Dept of Homeland Security Creates National Computer Forensic Institute

Monday, March 26th, 2007

On March 9 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the creation of a National Computer Forensic Institute.


U.S. Dept of Homeland Security Creates National Computer Forensic Institute

Monday, March 26th, 2007

On March 9 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the creation of a National Computer Forensic Institute.


Don’t Be A Security Slacker

Sunday, March 25th, 2007

Today I woke up to a beautiful, gorgeous spring morning…sunny, low 60’s (abnormally high for March), gentle breeze, the grass seemed to have gotten green over night, the birds are singing, the geese and ducks have come back after being gone for the winter and are swimming on our pond, a cute little chipmunk is eating from the birdseed and nuts I scattered on the patio outside my office door, what a great day! And then, after a nice walk outside, I come back inside, first to do some chores along with my family; my sons doing their assigned cleaning.


Raise Awareness by Sharing Your Knowledge And Experience

Saturday, March 24th, 2007

You help to improve information assurance efforts and assist other information assurance practitioners by sharing your expertise, experiences, and suggestions. Consider writing an article for publication not only to help others, but also to help you hone your writing skills, validate your expertise to your business leaders by showing them your published work, and provide an avenue for meeting other professionals who reach out to ask you questions about your article.


Norwich University Fifth Annual Information Assurance Student Symposium: March 27

Friday, March 23rd, 2007

I am very honored to be an adjunct professor for the Norwich Master of Science in Information Assurance (MSIA) program.
In this role I’m also fortunate to be able to work with Dr. Mich Kabay, who is the MSIA Program Director.


Addressing Image Spam

Thursday, March 22nd, 2007

Have you noticed an increasingly large number of email messages coming into your inbox that have the text information imbedded within graphic images? I have, and they really bug me. I know they irritate many of my information assurance professional colleagues as well. Some of these spam messages are very creative. All clutter my already overflowing email. They waste precious storage, and also clog bandwidth on enterprise networks. This is image spam.


Most U.S. Government Agencies Still Not E-FOIA Compliant 10 Years Following Enactment; Disregard for Laws Also Leads to Disregard for Security Requirements

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

On March 12 the National Security Archive at George Washington University issued their report, “The Knight Open Government Survey 2007.”
Basically the study looked at how many of the 149 U.S. government agencies they surveyed were in compliance with the provisions of the Electronic Freedom of Information Act (EFOIA) here at the 10 year anniversary of the Act going into effect.
