Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

5 Security Lessons from Non-Compliance with UK Data Protection Law

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

I speak with many organizations who have customers throughout the world, often via their ecommerce websites, and an alarmingly large number of these organizations are completely unaware of the data protection laws they must follow in the countries where their customers are from. When the privacy commissioners from these other countries discover the organizations not following the laws, the organizations can have substantial financial impact on their businesses from not only fines, but typically more significantly from bad press, and orders to discontinue business within the country until they have their business activities, policies and processes in compliance with the requirements.


RAM Is Subject To E-Discovery Under Recent Ruling: Talk With Your Legal Counsel About The IT Issues

Friday, June 29th, 2007

Late last year I blogged about the new E-Discovery Rule that took effect on December 1, 2006.
I wrote “The Business Leader Data Retention and E-Discovery Primer” discussing the issues, and I also wrote an article discussing the e-discovery issues for which IT must be involved, “E-Discovery Quagmires.”


Surveillance and Managing Information With So Many Ways To Capture It

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

Over the weekend a news story appeared in Australia that I’m sure is occurring in MANY other organizations, far beyond just schools; “Teachers being secretly filmed by students


“Over 1 Million Computer Victims” Can Lead To Some Interesting, Awareness-Raising, Discussions

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

Here’s a great conversation starter for a nice chat with your business leaders, “The FBI has found over 1 million computers are controlled by criminal botnets.”
Be prepared to answer some follow-up questions from your business leaders after telling them this, such as…


First Person Convicted Under CAN-SPAM Is Sentenced to 70 Months in Federal Prison and Must Pay Over $1 Million

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

On June 11, Jeffrey B. Goodin was ordered to pay $1,002,885.58 to the victims of his phishing scheme.


New Social Engineering Scheme Targets Military Families

Monday, June 25th, 2007

Every week…sometimes daily…it seems there is a new type of social engineering attack targeting specific groups. The social engineering fraudsters are pretty creative and many adept at exploiting the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of these groups. They use face-to-face methods, phone calls, email messages, faxes, and any other communication path that could take them to a willing victim.


Laws, Standards, Mapping, and HIPAA

Friday, June 22nd, 2007

Today is the last day of Norwich University’s Masters programs residency week; this afternoon is graduation.
It has been a great week…I have loved chatting with the students and faculty, and I’ve compiled a page full of topics I want to research and blog about!


Norwich University Residency Week & Thoughts On the Court Ruling on Email Searches

Thursday, June 21st, 2007

I’m a professor for the Norwich University MSIA program, and since Sunday I’ve been here in Vermont for their residency week, culminating in graduation on Friday. It has been a great week! It kicked off with a wonderfully thought-provoking discussion led by Karen Worstell, former CISO for Microsoft, as well as former CEO at AtomicTangerine, and many other high-profile positions.


On The Internet, If It Looks, Quacks and Walks Like a Duck, Is It *REALLY* a Duck?

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

I am a great believer of performing due diligence to ensure potential new hires have no deceptive or malicious skeletons in their past that may be reincarnated after they have been hired and entrusted with access to sensitive information and supporting resources. There are appropriate times organizations should do criminal background checks, education checks, and other checks as appropriate and legal for the position being filled and the location of the facility.
