Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

Reining In Mobile Computing Risks

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

As demonstrated over and over again over the past several years, mobile computing devices and storage media present a huge risk to business and personal information.  Because of the portability of these devices, organizations are basically entrusting the security of the information stored upon them into the hands of the people using them.  It is vital that an effective mobile computing device and storage media security and privacy management program is in place.

A mobile computing device and storage media security and privacy management program should be able to answer the questions: (more…)

Security and Privacy: Trends, Tools and Techniques

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009

I’m in Houston this week giving my class “Security and Privacy: Trends, Tools and Techniques.”


Study Proves SSNs Are Easily Guessed; Don’t Use SSNs To Verify Identity Or As Passwords!

Monday, July 6th, 2009

It is nice to have scientific evidence of what we’ve been telling business leaders ever since they wanted to start using SSNs as identifiers and passwords!
Today Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) released a very revealing report, “Predicting Social Security numbers from public data” I want to expand upon some of the issues covered within it, and then urge you to communicate effectively to your business leaders the related concerns of your organization…


Study Proves SSNs Are Easily Guessed; Don’t Use SSNs To Verify Identity Or As Passwords!

Monday, July 6th, 2009

It is nice to have scientific evidence of what we’ve been telling business leaders ever since they wanted to start using SSNs as identifiers and passwords!
Today Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) released a very revealing report, “Predicting Social Security numbers from public data” I want to expand upon some of the issues covered within it, and then urge you to communicate effectively to your business leaders the related concerns of your organization…


New Online Behavioral Advertising Principles: Self Regulation Does Not Mean Less Scrutiny By The FTC!

Monday, February 16th, 2009

On February 12 the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the most actively aggressive oversight agency in the U.S. with regard to enforcing privacy protections, released new behavioral advertising principles


Cloudy Privacy Computing

Sunday, February 15th, 2009

Cloud computing is an attractive, low-cost means of collaboration. But have you considered the risks involved with placing documents with PII “in the cloud”?
The monthly column I wrote for the December 2008 CSI Alert was, “Cloudy Privacy Computing.” Here’s the first section…


Santa Sees All; But Puts The U.S. On Naughty List For Poor Privacy Practices…?

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

Here’s a great article for Christmas Eve that covers a wide range of surveillance tools and techniques that are increasingly used by governments, law enforcement, employers, suspicious spouses, etc, etc, etc…


FTC Publishes Report On SSNs and Identity Theft

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

Today the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released a new report about social security numbers (SSNs), identity theft, and recommended 5 ways to help prevend having SSNs being used for identity theft…


Blackberry Disposal Lessons From McCain & Palin

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

Another real-life example to show the importance of having effective policies and procedures in place for not only information disposal, but also for the disposal of computers and storage media…


Miscellaneous Cybercrime & Privacy Tidbits

Friday, September 12th, 2008

For the last day of Global Security Week (GSW) I’m providing a few items that relate to cybercrime that I find interesting…
