Posts Tagged ‘infosec’

Big Brother Likes Big Data – Balancing Privacy with Innovation

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

My 12-year-old son said to me yesterday after getting home from school, “Hey, Mommy, did you know that Wal-Mart can tell when you’re pregnant? And so can Target!  Even before anyone else knows! They got a girl in trouble when they sent her dad coupons for baby stuff and congratulated her!”

Me, “That’s pretty incredible, isn’t it?  Companies are able to discover things like that about people more than ever before through analyzing what is called ‘Big Data’.”

Son, “That’s really creepy. I think you should (more…)

Back to the Future Security Basics: Security through Obscurity Still Does Not Work

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Last week I provided Howard Anderson at with some of my thoughts about the recent Utah Department of Health breach of the files of 900,000 individuals, and counting. He included some of my thoughts in his blog post, along with thoughts from others. I wanted to provide my full reply here, along with some expanded thoughts.

As background, for those of you who may not have heard of this hack yet, in a nutshell: (more…)

High Tech and Low Tech Continue to Bedevil Info Sec and Privacy Practitioners

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

When looking ahead to what may happen in this new year it is necessary to first look back.  Not only to 2011, but when making plans to move forward even further back to help make the best decisions moving forward.   I do a lot of reading, including many mainstream publications written for the general public.  You can see a lot of trends and problems by reading about how the general public is reporting (or not) about them.   I also like to read the various publications specific to information security, privacy, compliance and technology to see the backstories and guts of the problems.  Looking at all such reports helps to provide a more comprehensive view necessary for making good decisions. (more…)