Archive for the ‘Privacy and Compliance’ Category

FREE Resource Overflowing With Great Info Sec & Privacy Articles Just Published

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Long time dear friends and colleagues of mine, Tom and Justin Peltier, just published their “2007 Year in Review.”
It is a great, FREE, resource to add to your information security, privacy and compliance files.
Here are the folks who contributed, along with the articles they wrote:


New HIPAA Security Information on the CMS website

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

I just got a notice from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)…
New HIPAA Security Information on the CMS website


Have You Reviewed the FTC’s Proposed Privacy Principles Yet?

Monday, February 25th, 2008

If you are responsible for information security or privacy at your organization, and your organization does marketing, here is something you need to know about and discuss with your marketing folks. I blogged about this in December.


Example privacy breach response plan

Sunday, February 24th, 2008

Too few organizations are prepared to respond to a privacy breach when it happens. Too many naively believe a privacy breach will not happen to them.
It is helpful to look at existing privacy breach notice plans when creating your own. The U.S. government agencies actually provide some good plans you can use as examples.


The Anatomy of a Privacy Breach

Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

Today I’m flying from the very frigid sub-zero temps of Iowa out to the University of California at Berkeley. I was invited to give a lecture, and considering the ongoing increase in privacy breaches, I chose to talk about “The Anatomy of a Privacy Breach.”


Have You Looked In Your Trash Bins Lately?

Monday, February 18th, 2008

It shouldn’t still amaze me, but it does, how often so many organizations just dump huge amounts of printed paper containing tons of personally identifiable information (PII) right into their dumpster sitting behind their building, in the alley, or some other easily reachable public location.
Here’s yet another example of a business throwing away people’s privacy in their trash dumpster…


Identity Theft #1 Consumer Fraud Complaint To FTC in 2007

Friday, February 15th, 2008

This week the FTC released the list of the top 20 consumer fraud complaints they received in 2007.
Not surprisingly, identity theft topped their list, accounting for 32% of all the complaints.


Potty Pics Poo-Poo Privacy

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

This is a sad example of how others take it upon themselves to invade the privacy of others and don’t understand that they’re doing anything wrong…


Blog Info OK’d To Use To Make Medical Insurance Coverage Decision

Monday, February 11th, 2008

Hopefully most people know by now that whatever you post on the Internet is not private, and that basically anyone can read it. Hopefully most people know by now that it is a growing trend for employers to use information they find on the Internet in their hiring and firing decisions.
Well, it appears the information found on the Internet can now be used by insurers to make decisions about to whom they will and will not provide insurance.


More Info Security & Privacy Education Will Reduce The Numbers Of Incidents

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

Here’s a good article for all information security and privacy pros to read and show their business leaders. If nothing else show them the last paragraph:
