Archive for the ‘Miscellaneous’ Category

07/07/07! Lucky for Cybercriminals?

Saturday, July 7th, 2007

I’ve always been fascinated with numbers. Math has always been fun, and one of my degrees is in math. I’ve never really studied numerology, but today’s date, 07/07/07, only happens once each century, and it is interesting to see how many people are celebrating it in various ways.


Miscellaneous Fourth of July Facts

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

Today is Independence Day in the U.S., and I certainly am thankful for all the freedoms I have that have given me the opportunity to write freely in my blog, have my own business, work from my home office, freely go basically wherever I want, be friends with whomever I want (that also want to be my friend), read whatever books I want to read, see whatever movies I want to see, listen to whomever I want to listen to, wear whatever I want to wear, and have the beliefs about life, love and religion that I have.


Emergency and Disaster Planning: Government Establishes a Limited Time Pandemic Flu “Blog Summit”

Friday, May 25th, 2007

Ever since talk of the bird flu pandemic started making the news in 2005, information assurace folks have talked about how this could affect them and their efforts. There have been some very interesting viewpoints and insights. Most related to the loss of availability of personnel needed for the business to continue to function, loss of access to vendors, and to outsourced entities, and other emergency management and disaster recovery issues.
When you start thinking about it and brainstorming with your colleagues you discover there truly are many related information assurance issues.


Insider Threat Example: Ex-Coca-Cola Employees Sentenced to Prison For Trying To Sell Trade Secrets To Pepsi

Thursday, May 24th, 2007

An article broke yesterday that closely mirrors one of the discussion topics within the Human Factors seminar that I teach for the Norwich University MSIA program.


Know What You’re Buying…for Computer Service Contracts as Well as Security and Privacy Products

Wednesday, May 16th, 2007

This morning I was watching Good Morning America (GMA) with my sons before they left for school. Noah said, “Hey, they’re talking about my computer!”


High School Cyber-Defense Competition: Mentoring Information Security Leaders of the Future

Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

There is great opportunity to ensure future computer systems and applications are more securely engineered than they are now by teaching our children from a young age the importance of information security and privacy, and showing them what needs to be done. I often have fantastic conversations with my sons about information security and privacy issues; they always bring wonderful perspectives I never thought about.


Insider Threat Example: Engineer Leaks U.S. Military Secrets

Friday, May 11th, 2007

There has been a lot of talk and blogging recently about whether or not there is a need for an information security industry/profession. Um sure, and there is no need for the physical security industry/profession either, is there?
As long as humans touch information in any way, electronically or physically, information security will be needed to provide them with policies, procedures, standards, guidance, training, ongoing awareness, and responding to and fixing the security messes and privacy breaches they cause.


The Importance of Policies…Breathalyzer = Drug Test = Physical Search = 4th Amendment Violation?: Iowa High School Students Given Breathalyzer Tests at the Prom

Thursday, May 10th, 2007

I’m always interested in reading about information security and privacy issues reported here in the heartland.
A story in my local daily paper, the Des Moines Register, caught my eye and filled my thoughts today and points out, among other things, the importance of having policies and communicating them.


Data Security: OECD Publishes New Privacy Guidelines for Accessing Data From Publicly Funded Research Projects

Sunday, May 6th, 2007

On May 3 the Organization for Economic and Cooperation and Development (OECD) released a new 24-page guideline,”Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding” for organizations in governments throughout the world regarding access to data from publicly funded research projects.


Data Security: OECD Publishes New Privacy Guidelines for Accessing Data From Publicly Funded Research Projects

Sunday, May 6th, 2007

On May 3 the Organization for Economic and Cooperation and Development (OECD) released a new 24-page guideline,”Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding” for organizations in governments throughout the world regarding access to data from publicly funded research projects.
