Posts Tagged ‘Hillary Clinton’

Passport Breach: Poor Security Practices Lead To Privacy Breaches

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

The breach of the presidential candidates’ passport files were widely reported over the past few days, such as here and here, not to mention the many postings referencing it as “passport-gate” throughout the blogosphere and the political implications. However, based upon what I’ve been reading it looks more like the result of a poor, inadequate and vulnerable information security program.
There are many information security and privacy issues involved with this incident. It would make a great case study to use at a joint meeting with your information security, privacy and compliance folks. Some of the questions to include in your discussion could include…


The Iowa Caucus Experience in Madison County: Cameras Not a Factor

Friday, January 4th, 2008

Well, after over a year of fervent campaigning by many presidential hopefuls, the Iowa caucuses are over! As I mentioned a couple of days ago I have never declared a party before, but this year I wanted to be part of the caucus experience. I wanted to participate and see first-hand what it was like and not just have some political pundits from the east or west coasts giving their inaccurate opinions of what really goes on.


Compliance and Information Security: Common Sense Confirmed

Thursday, July 26th, 2007

So many times I’ve heard business leaders complain that the data protection requirements within the multiple laws and regulations only hurt business; that they are not necessary and have no true impact on really protecting data…they are just bureaucratic hoops forced upon businesses to placate the politicians’ constituents by lawmakers who know nothing about the nuts and bolts of implementing information security…and that the cost of compliance is only hurts the business’ bottom line.


Insider Threat Example: Leaked Clinton Memo Provides At Least 5 Good Security Lessons

Tuesday, May 29th, 2007

Mid-last week it was widely reported, probably more so in the national news than here in Iowa, that one of Hillary Clinton’s top campaign folks had written a memo to her urging her to skip Iowa and focus on other states. This leaked memo was the grist of much discussion on the political talk shows over the weekend.
