Posts Tagged ‘GPS’

Choose: $50 Credit Card Fraud Limit or Unlimited Privacy Damage?

Friday, June 6th, 2014

So today AT&T announced plans to test a service allowing payment card providers to access the location of a customer’s phone to improve the accuracy of fraud prevention systems for transactions made abroad. AT&T customers will have to opt-in to the fraud protection service, which will also be me made available to enterprise customers later this year.

Antone Gonsalves asked me for my opinions about the privacy implications, which he included some of within his article he published on CSO Online today.  However, I wanted to make several more points to follow-on to his article. (more…)

Awareness and Training Example: Privacy Impacts Throughout the Day

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

There was a very interesting article in the Washington Post today, “Enjoying Technology’s Conveniences But Not Escaping Its Watchful Eyes
This documentary of the day in the life of a woman shows how privacy issues are encountered throughout the day, and how virtually all of us leave a bit of ourselves, and along with it our privacy, whenever we get online, make purchases from stores, make phone calls, or do any number of things in virtually any place.
