Archive for September, 2015

Small Businesses Must Address Security and Privacy

Friday, September 18th, 2015

I’ve been working with hundreds of businesses over the past fifteen years, and I’ve found many common challenges that they are always trying to address, as well as some common, dangerously incorrect, beliefs about security and privacy. There are some common misconceptions that are unique to one-person to small businesses.

Here are four common recurring incorrect information security and privacy beliefs of small businesses, and the facts that these businesses need to know: (more…)

Use Movies to Raise Privacy and Security Awareness

Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

I’ve noticed an uptick in online discussions about information security and privacy awareness ideas. I don’t know what provoked the increased buzz, but I’m happy to see it, and more sincere consideration of actually doing activities to truly raise awareness.


Organizations Must Stay Vigilant Against Insider Threats

Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

I started my career as a systems engineer at a large multinational financial and healthcare corporation. I was responsible for creating and maintaining the applications change management system. The purpose of the system was to ensure that after the programmer finished coding, the code could be moved, with the approval of the manager, to a different area to test. After testing was complete it would be moved back to the development area if changes were needed, or a different manager would approve it to be moved to the live/production area for widespread use.

By requiring different individuals/roles other than the programmer (who did her own testing while creating the program) to test the program, it accomplished two primary goals: (more…)