Well, after over a year of fervent campaigning by many presidential hopefuls, the Iowa caucuses are over! As I mentioned a couple of days ago I have never declared a party before, but this year I wanted to be part of the caucus experience. I wanted to participate and see first-hand what it was like and not just have some political pundits from the east or west coasts giving their inaccurate opinions of what really goes on.
Archive for January, 2008
Don’t Expect Privacy At The Iowa Caucuses
Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008I am happy to live in Iowa. I’ve enjoyed getting to see the presidential hopefuls in the state for the past 1+ years. I always vote during presidential elections, but I’ve never yet declared a party; I really don’t want to be listed in who knows how many places under such a label. However, this year I would really like to participate in the Iowa caucus.