Archive for July, 2007

Improve Security to Make the Planet Greener

Monday, July 9th, 2007

This weekend there was a lot of attention on the environmental crisis facing the planet. There was the Live Earth concert on 07/07/07. Tonight the news was filled with more talk of new laws and initiatives, such as banning bottled water in restaurants in some of the states.


07/07/07! Lucky for Cybercriminals?

Saturday, July 7th, 2007

I’ve always been fascinated with numbers. Math has always been fun, and one of my degrees is in math. I’ve never really studied numerology, but today’s date, 07/07/07, only happens once each century, and it is interesting to see how many people are celebrating it in various ways.


Having Backup Services Is Invaluable

Friday, July 6th, 2007

I love my dialup! Yes, I mean dialup Internet connection. I’ve been on a broadband wireless connection via a satellite on my roof for a little over a year, but I kept my dialup account just in case I ever needed a backup. Today I needed a backup.


Miscellaneous Fourth of July Facts

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

Today is Independence Day in the U.S., and I certainly am thankful for all the freedoms I have that have given me the opportunity to write freely in my blog, have my own business, work from my home office, freely go basically wherever I want, be friends with whomever I want (that also want to be my friend), read whatever books I want to read, see whatever movies I want to see, listen to whomever I want to listen to, wear whatever I want to wear, and have the beliefs about life, love and religion that I have.


Trademarks, Virtual Reality Sites, and Creating a Very Aware Next Generation of Information Assurance Leaders

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

I’ve been working in my home office for around 7 1/2 years, being able to do most of my project work from home, which I’m thankful for. During that time my now 10-year-old and 7-year-old (he’ll remind you he turns 8 next month) sons have been around me quite a bit as I do my work. So I discuss a lot of what I do with them, they ask a lot of questions, and they soak a whole lot more into their brains than I realize. Especially over summer when they are at home with me virtually all day every day.


5 Security Lessons from Non-Compliance with UK Data Protection Law

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

I speak with many organizations who have customers throughout the world, often via their ecommerce websites, and an alarmingly large number of these organizations are completely unaware of the data protection laws they must follow in the countries where their customers are from. When the privacy commissioners from these other countries discover the organizations not following the laws, the organizations can have substantial financial impact on their businesses from not only fines, but typically more significantly from bad press, and orders to discontinue business within the country until they have their business activities, policies and processes in compliance with the requirements.
