Posts Tagged ‘wired’

FBI Plans to Catalog Everyone’s Physical Characteristics, and Bush Does Away With Privacy Oversight Board

Monday, February 4th, 2008

Here’s something scary…
I just saw a new CNN report that made me go, “Huh?!”
FBI wants palm prints, eye scans, tattoo mapping


The Iowa Caucus Experience in Madison County: Cameras Not a Factor

Friday, January 4th, 2008

Well, after over a year of fervent campaigning by many presidential hopefuls, the Iowa caucuses are over! As I mentioned a couple of days ago I have never declared a party before, but this year I wanted to be part of the caucus experience. I wanted to participate and see first-hand what it was like and not just have some political pundits from the east or west coasts giving their inaccurate opinions of what really goes on.
