The Longmont, CO Daily Times reported December 14 that a nurse’s laptop was stolen from her car whle she was parked at a restaurant, along with paper records containing personally identifiable information (PII): “students‚Äô names and dates of birth; the names of their schools and what grade they are in; the students‚Äô Medicaid numbers; and their parents‚Äô names.”
Posts Tagged ‘health data privacy’
Stolen Laptop: Laptop and Printouts with PII about 600 Students in Colorado
Sunday, December 17th, 2006Stolen Laptop: Laptop and Printouts with PII about 600 Students in Colorado
Sunday, December 17th, 2006The Longmont, CO Daily Times reported December 14 that a nurse’s laptop was stolen from her car whle she was parked at a restaurant, along with paper records containing personally identifiable information (PII): “students‚Äô names and dates of birth; the names of their schools and what grade they are in; the students‚Äô Medicaid numbers; and their parents‚Äô names.”
Stolen Laptop: Cleartext Medical PII on 25,000 in Pennsylvania
Sunday, December 17th, 2006On December 14 WCPO TV 9 News reported:
“A break-in in Springdale, Ohio is affecting thousands of people in Pennsylvania. The office of Electronic Registry Systems on Northland Boulevard was broken into Thanksgiving weekend and a computer was stolen. That computer had medical records on it for some 25,000 participants in a Pennsylvania health plan. Police don’t suspect I.D. theft. They say, in other recent cases, the thieves wiped the computer’s hard drive clean and then tried to re-sell it.”