Business Info Fact Of The Day: American Express Most Trusted Company in 2008 for Privacy

The results of the 5th annual Ponemon Institute – TRUSTe survey of Most Trusted Companies for Privacy showed the following companies to be the most trusted in the U.S.:

1 American Express (remained number one from 2008)
2 eBay (+6 from 2008)
3 IBM (no change)
4 Amazon (+1)
5 Johnson & Johnson (+1)
6 Hewlett Packard (+10)
6 U.S. Postal Service (+1)
7 Procter & Gamble (+2)
8 Apple (new to the top 20)
9 Nationwide (remained the same)
10 Charles Schwab (-8)
11 USAA (+4)
12 Intuit (+7)
13 WebMD (-1)
14 Yahoo! (new to the top 20)
15 Facebook (new to the top 20)
16 Disney (-1)
16 AOL (-12)
17 Verizon (new to the top 20)
18 FedEx (new to the top 20)
19 US Bank (-2)
20 Dell (-7)
20 eLoan (-9)
I don’t know when the survey was performed, but from the looks of the results, it is likely the survey was performed prior to the economic meltdown that came to a head in October 2008. For example, would Nationwide and US Bank have made the list if the survey was done in November?
Facebook was certainly a surprise to see on the list!

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