Archive for February, 2008

Identity Theft #1 Consumer Fraud Complaint To FTC in 2007

Friday, February 15th, 2008

This week the FTC released the list of the top 20 consumer fraud complaints they received in 2007.
Not surprisingly, identity theft topped their list, accounting for 32% of all the complaints.


New Best Practices Guide For Building Secure Software

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

Many information security incidents and privacy breaches occur as a result of exploiting vulnerabilities in poorly engineered applications and systems.
It is good to see more articles and information about how to build security into applications from the very inception of a project, and continue it through the entire applications and systems lifecycle.


Phisherthieves Like Banks Best

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

Here’s a pretty good mainstream news story from CNN to give to your business leaders to raise their awareness and understanding about phishing…


$54 Million Lawsuit Against Best Buy For Losing Laptop

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

I knew the civil suits for lost laptops would start soon. Thanks so much to my buddy Alec for pointing out this story to me!
Raelyn Campbell took a laptop computer to Best Buy to get fixed, and three months later, after giving Campbell the run-around, Best Buy admitted to her that they lost the computer.


Give a Hoot, Don’t Privacy Pollute!

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

I just saw a term that can be used really well with non-technical folks, “data pollution.”
I wish I had thought of that term!


Potty Pics Poo-Poo Privacy

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

This is a sad example of how others take it upon themselves to invade the privacy of others and don’t understand that they’re doing anything wrong…


U.S. DoD Workers Give Military Secrets To China

Monday, February 11th, 2008

Here are two more insider threat incident examples to put into your files and use within your information security and privacy training curriculum and awareness communications:


Blog Info OK’d To Use To Make Medical Insurance Coverage Decision

Monday, February 11th, 2008

Hopefully most people know by now that whatever you post on the Internet is not private, and that basically anyone can read it. Hopefully most people know by now that it is a growing trend for employers to use information they find on the Internet in their hiring and firing decisions.
Well, it appears the information found on the Internet can now be used by insurers to make decisions about to whom they will and will not provide insurance.


New Information Technology Crime Law in Saudi Arabia

Saturday, February 9th, 2008

Here’s an interesting new law in Saudi Arabia…

New Law to Combat Information Technology Crimes


Two Types Of Young Hackers

Friday, February 8th, 2008

Here’s an interesting juxtaposition of hacker-related news articles…
When scanning today’s news I saw the headline, “Teen Is World’s Youngest ‘Ethical Hacker’
