Reasons for Throwing Away Evidence…People Say the Darnedest Things!

Here in the Des Moines, Iowa area there has been a scandal going on with three executives of a non-profit agency collectively being paid $1.8 million dollars in the last 18 months.  It was reported today that the day after one of these executives resigned because of the investigation, her secretary was found at the office at 4:30am "throwing away" boxes of papers from the executive’s office.   

The secretary said, ""I was unable to sleep well that night and I awoke early," Rieck wrote. "I proceeded to get up and go into work as I knew my cubicle needed to be organized and the boxes of old files reviewed."

Sure!  A restless  sleepless night makes a lot of people get up, get ready, and go into work 4 hours early, doesn’t it?

Well…scandals certainly seem to motivate people to clean house, don’t they?  Shades of Enron pop into mind.

Even if the secretary did not throw away anything involved with the investigation (remember, innocent until proven guilty), it just goes to show how investigations seem to be great motivators to carefully dispose of potentially sensitive or incriminating papers…and how otherwise, without motivation, sensitive personal information, such as credit card information from a beauty supply store, get tossed out into the closest alley dumpster.

Looks like they need to learn about shredders…perhaps at an interesting site, All about Paper Shredders?  Just something I stumbled across…

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