77% Polled Believe Privacy Is Possible

77% of those participating in my completely unscientific blogsite poll from last week indicated privacy is still possible.

The poll question was:

“You have no privacy, get over it.” Do you agree or disagree?

77% disagreed, leaving 23% that agreed.
There is no personally identifiable information (PII) collected when taking the poll, but the location of the ISP is logged so we can tell a general location for each of the respondants. Those taking the poll may have been widely scattered from around the globe. However, outside the U.S. I could not tell from what countries…I could tell by seeing the numbers change throughout the week, and how the U.S. map changed, that several poll takers did not have ISPs within the U.S.
Within the U.S. those who agreed that no one has any privacy any more came from (at least one in each state) Utah, New York, Tennessee, and Minnesota (which also had at least one that disagreed).
I’m a bit frustrated I can’t see the map of the entire world!
This week the poll (to the lower right of the screen) is about the importance of awareness and training to securing information.

“Information security awareness and training for personnel is necessary to effectively safeguard data.” Do you agree or disagree?

I’ve posted on this several times before, such as here and here.
What do you think? Do you think spending on security and privacy education a waste of money, or is it absolutely necessary for successfully securing information?
Please click a button and let us know.
If you have suggestions for other polls in the coming weeks, send them over!

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