Good, Free Information Security Materials from the USPS

Bob Johnston provided a great pointer on the CISSPforum maillist for good, free information security resources from the United States Postal Service; 7 free fraud and information secuity awareness DVDs.  Thank you for the heads-up, Bob!

The free awareness DVDs include:

  1. All the King’s Men: Picking Up the Pieces. This DVD is about fraud schemes and how to avoid becoming a victim, and how to recover from fraud.
  2. Nowhere to Run: Cross-Border Fraud. This film illustrates how U.S. Postal Inspectors created task forces with Canadian law enforcement partners to stop "long distance" scams through long distance calls and the Internet.
  3. Web of Deceit: Internet Fraud. This DVD tells the story of a scammer who uses the Internet to victimize unsuspecting consumers around the world until he gets caught in his own web of deceit.
  4. Long Shot: Foreign Lottery Scams. This free DVD tells the story of a foreign lottery fraud victim and the con artist behind the scam.
  5. Work-at-Home Scams: They Just Don’t Pay.  This film tells the story of a new type of work-at-home scam and how a mother gets caught up in it.
  6. Identity Crisis: Protect Your Identity. This DVD tells the story of a couple whose credit is ruined and of the criminals who defrauded them.
  7. Delivering Justice: Dialing for Dollars. This DVD tells the story of such a phone investment "opportunity " scam and the lives that are ruined by these criminals.

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