Free Information Security Training Workshops from FISSEA

The information security and privacy incidents tally continues to grow every day, the threats and vulnerabilities continue to appear every day, and information security and privacy professionals have a hard time keeping up with them all, not to mention keeping their own personnel aware of the many issues they face in their every day business work. And then to get the resources and time necessary to create an effective program! I know many folks often seem overwhelmed.

I hope information security and privacy pros know about the U.S. Federal Information Systems Security Educators’ Association (FISSEA).
It is a great organization that promotes information security awareness and training throughout all organizations. It has a wealth of useful information, and better yet for your constrained budgets, it is free to be a member!
As they indicate on their site:

“FISSEA Membership Is Open To:
* Information systems security professionals
* Professional trainers and educators
* Managers responsible for information systems security training programs in federal agencies
* Contractors providing awareness and training support to federal agencies
* Faculty members of accredited educational institutions who are involved in information security training and education.”

So basically, if you are an information security professional, you can join.
FISSEA is offering two *FREE* workshops next month:
* What’s New in Security Awareness, May 10, 2007
* Distance Learning – Making it Effective, for Both Awareness and Training, May 23, 2007
Even if you cannot go to the workshops, consider joining FISSEA; you will find the information provided through membership invaluable.

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